9 am

26 August, 2023

GH Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

Attention all techies! Prepare to unleash your creativity and earn fantastic rewards at our Day 2 Hackathon! Explore a diverse range of exciting tracks:

  1. Web3 Wonders: Dive into the world of Dapps, NFTs, and Smart Contracts, crafting cutting-edge blockchain solutions.
  2. Mobile Marvels: Embark on a journey to build innovative, futuristic mobile applications that redefine user experiences.
  3. Web World Domination: Conquer the web development landscape, mastering React, Fastn, and VanillaJS, to create stunning web projects.
  4. Data Wizardry: Delve into the realm of AI/ML, Insights, and Data Engineering, transforming data into valuable insights and intelligent solutions.
  5. Cloud Chronicles: Unleash your creativity in the cloud space, utilizing scalable instances and the magic of serverless architecture to build powerful and flexible applications.

Join us for an exhilarating 6-hour journey brimming with innovation and tech brilliance! Showcase your skills, learn from experts, and become part of an inspiring community of tech enthusiasts. Participate in our 6-hour Mini Project Hackathon! Unleash your creativity, solve real-world challenges, and seize the opportunity to take your ideas to the next level, all while competing for exciting prizes. See you there!


Implementation Based:

Rank Team Name Domain
1 Hyrelink Data Science
2 Schutzataffel Web 3
3 Technocrats Web Dev
4 Nexus Cloud
5 BitBlaze App Dev

Concept Based:

Rank Team Name
1 Seeker
2 Beta Shalor
3 Ninjaturtle
4 Tech Titens
5 Visionaries